Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back in Guayaquil

It's been a while since my last post, I know. Well, many of you have given such positive feedback concerning our experiences in Guayaquil, including and most importantly the health of our son. Since the last post we have had to deal with all sorts of complicated issues surrounding our son's health.

The last year and a half was easily the most challenging and horrific year of our lives. This summer was easily the most amazing experience of our life. I think right now we are looking for a bit of moderation, I mean I have always been mostly moderate in my outlook on life.

When we got back from Guayaquil we decided that we could not go back to the neurologist we had been seeing prior to our trip. So we decided to canvass several of the LA metro area's most promising neurologists. In all we met with seven neurologists, who all observed our son for a short amount of time and asked us all kinds of questions. We asked a lot of questions as well. Each meeting took upwards of two hours (without travel time). Six of the seven completely dismissed our experiences and empirical proof of the validity of the treatments in Ecuador. The last neurologist we saw is currently our son's neurologist.

Her office is the first Pediatric Neurologists' office that is even slightly inviting to a child. Her desk is littered with small hand puzzles, goopy/rubbery toys, rubiks cubes, tops, sliding things, bouncy things, coosh balls, and many other delightful and fun things. This has been the only office that our son has even wanted to be in. Additionally, she is very open and receptive of the treatments our son has received down in Ecuador.

Though she has not come out and said that these treatments are the cure to all neurological disorders including epilepsy. She has told us that "what you have stumbled upon is unprecedented and nothing short of amazing and miraculous". Without approval from the FDA no doctor in the USA will completely sign off on treatments which have not been submitted to the strict standards and protocols of the FDA's clinical trial process.

No matter, this doctor pored through all of our son's medical records and medical history, remarking all the while about what a battle our son went through and that he is very brave. She also remarked that the nature of his reduction in abnormal electrical activity is astounding. Though his EEG has recently come back showing the reduction in abnormal electrical activity, it has not shown a complete eradication of the high spike patterns in the delta waveform.

This new neurologist of ours has already begun to decrease the medicine. So we are now back in Guayaquil undergoing further treatments from Dr. T. This time our son is responding to the treatments very well. We are now having similar successes and more. Our son is making up for lost time that he may have missed during that last year. He is in kindergarten and is making up some of the cognitive deficiencies of that last year pretty well, are things perfect no but he and we continue to be on the right road to recovery. Until next time...


  1. Hi
    My son has MAS also. Could you share detailed information of Dr T? He is in depakote and zonegran and is not working at all

    thansk for share your case

  2. Amazing read. Wishing your son a speedy and complete recovery. Have a son who has been treated for epilepsy for 18 years. Have tried neurofeed back for the past two years. It has helped but his recovery is not complete. Would like to know how to signup for treatment in Eucador. Kindly give me the contact details of this hospital. Does this hospital have a website?
